About the Author

Sergio Tuset is a distinguished pioneer with over three decades of experience in managing industrial companies, with a strong focus on driving environmental projects.

Sergio's career is defined by his unparalleled expertise in conceptual engineering, particularly in the fields of wastewater, liquid and solid waste, and air pollution control.

As a testament to his innovative spirit and expertise, Sergio is the owner and inventor of three registered industrial patents. These include novel methodologies for recovering hydrochloric acid from spent pickling liquors, the design of a new fixed-bed biofilm reactor, and a unique method for treating nitrogen oxides in thermal energy storage systems using molten salts.

With involvement in more than 400 projects worldwide, Sergio has established himself as a global authority in liquid waste minimization, zero liquid discharge (ZLD), and atmospheric emissions treatment.

His expertise spans a broad spectrum of environmental management techniques, including thermal separation, advanced oxidation processes, biological processes, electrocoagulation, advanced membrane separation, ion exchange, and laboratory- and pilot-scale design.

Throughout his career, Sergio has held key leadership positions, demonstrating exceptional teamwork and project management skills. He has co-founded and led several successful companies, including Smart 5 Holding GmbH, Envitech France S.A.S., and Condorchem Envitech, with operations in the United States, Mexico, and Europe, driving innovation and excellence in the environmental sector.

Beyond his professional achievements, Sergio has shared his knowledge and expertise as a part-time associate professor in the Department of Materials Science at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) in Barcelona. His academic background is equally impressive, holding an Executive MBA from IESE Business School, a Master’s in Metallurgical Engineering from the University of Barcelona, and a Bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering from UPC.

Sergio Tuset is a leading figure in environmental engineering, dedicating his life to solving some of the most challenging environmental issues faced by industrial processes today.

Patents of the author

Procedimiento de gasificación "In situ" mediante pirolisis y foto-oxidación catalítica de residuos radiactivos de baja actividad (RBBA) procedente de la industria nuclear. See patent

Procedimiento para el tratamiento de óxidos de nitrógeno procedentes de almacenamiento de energía térmica mediante sales fundidas. See patent

Procedimiento de producción de fertilizante químico cristalizado a partir del tratamiento y transformación de la emisión de gases procedente de la combustión en plantas de generación de energía termoeléctrica. See patent

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