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Treatment of effluents from the cosmetic industryWe analyze the characteristics, market, main compounds used, and treatment of effluents in the cosmetic industry.
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Environmental Sustainability IndicatorsEnvironmental sustainability indicators allow for the assessment of the environmental responsibility and sustainability of an individual, organization, or community.
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Top 10 cleanest cities in the worldRanking of the 10 cleanest cities in the world based on water availability, wastewater systems, air pollution, garbage collection, and traffic congestion.
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Ceramic industry emissionsIn this article, we will explore the pollutants generated in ceramic industry, the harmful effects of air emissions, pollution control strategies and technologies, and the importance of managing air emissions for ceramic manufacturers.
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Waste to energyWe review waste energy recovery processes that allow fuel to be generated for the production of electricity, heat or biogas from waste.
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Treatment of tailings in mining operationsWe review the alternatives on the market to reuse or discharge clean water in the processes of mining operations
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Lithium extraction and refining through vacuum crystallizationWe thoroughly review the extraction, crystallization and extraction of lithium compounds, as well as other aspects of lithium mining.
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Conditioning of low- and intermediate-level radioactive wasteWe review the current situation, conditioning and typology of low and medium activity nuclear waste generated in nuclear power plants.
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Treatment of effluent containing PFASsWe detail how to treat wastewater containing perfluoroalkylated substances (PFAS) as well as its effects on health and the environment.
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Extraction and recovery of lithiumWe analyze how lithium is extracted and recovered, a key metal today and that will play an extremely important role in future processes.
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