At Condorchem Envitech, we believe that companies must operate according to values promoting respect for humans and the environment.

Organisations should be aware of the potential negative impact on society that their business may have. These effects should be eliminated or controlled, while taking advantage of their outreach and resources to contribute to building a more egalitarian society that promotes human rights as much as possible.


Condorchem Envitech is a company which has subscribed to the UN Global Compact.

All companies subscribed to the UN Global Compact commit themselves to operating in a sustainable manner, as well as to respecting and promoting human rights as promulgated by the United Nations.

The UN audits all companies that want to be part of the global compact to ensure that they promote human rights, equal employment rights, respect for the environment and operate without corruption.

All companies that are members of the global compact have the support of the UN in all those actions seeking social benefit through innovation and collaboration between the company and its surroundings.

The profile of Condorchem Envitech as a member of the United Nations Global Compact can be found at the following link: https://www.unglobalcompact.org/what-is-gc/participants/13145-Condorchem-Envitech-S-L-

UNICEF – Partners & Blue Gift

Condorchem Envitech collaborates with Unicef by donating 0.7% of its EBITDA every year. This money goes to actions aimed at improving the living conditions of children living in poverty

UNICEF’s blue gift is part of an inspiring initiative that gives businesses the opportunity to purchase basic commodities for human survival and send them directly to children in poverty in more than 150 countries or territories.

Every day, about 16,000 children die from preventable causes. Unicef’s blue gifts are a charitable initiative that contributes to saving lives and improving the situation of thousands of children at risk.

Condorchem Envitech collaborates in this initiative through the purchase of water purification tablets that are sent to territories with little access to water for human consumption.

UNHCR – ACNUR – Solidarity company

CONDORCHEM ENVITECH is a solidarity company of ACNUR. Through a regular donation, we collaborate with UNHCR to assist the more than 25 million refugees that exist today.

The protection of refugees includes various aspects, such as security not to be returned to danger, access to fair and efficient asylum processes, and measures to ensure that their basic human rights are respected.

More information on how to collaborate with UNHCR in: https://eacnur.org/es/como-ayudar/pymes

See Solidarity Company certificate – ACNUR

GROWTH – Water supply network in Somapura, Sri lanka

GROWTH is an NGO whose mission is to support communities living in poverty so that they may improve their living conditions and manage their own growth by supplying knowledge, technical capacity and assistance for their long-term development.

Condorchem Envitech has collaborated with Growth on a project to take drinking water to the population of Somapura, in Sri Lanka, by donating water treatment filters. After the delivery of the filters, Growth trained the families in how to use them and how to maintain them so that they don't have to worry any longer about water treatment.

The project has managed to construct all the infrastructure necessary to take drinking water to all the families in the community and at Condorchem Envitech we feel tremendously happy that the consumption of drinking water is no longer a matter of concern for all the people in Somapura.

ECOVADIS - Gold medal

EcoVadis offers the leading solution for monitoring sustainability in global supply chains. Through the use of innovative technology and their experience in CSR, they strive to involve businesses and help them adopt sustainable practices.

After its evaluation, Condorchem Envitech has obtained the gold medal, which places it in the top 5% of all the companies evaluated.

See Ecovadis certificate – Gold medal

Compliance program

Condorchem has established a Compliance Program with adequate and sufficient policies and procedures to ensure that our company, including its officers, employees and related agents, comply with the applicable legal framework. This includes legal norms, laws a​nd regulations, ​ as well as​ internal policies, commitments to customers, suppliers or third parties. Alongside this, and of particular importance, is the Code of Ethics and Conduct that our company has committed to respect.

Fundació El Maresme discapacitats – L’hort d'en Dídac

Condorchem Envitech collaborates with the El Maresme Discapacitados Foundation by hiring a fresh fruit buying service at L’Hort d’en Dídac.

AB Premià – Sponsorship

Condorchem Envitech sponsors the basketball team Agrupació Bàsquet Premià de Mar.

A.B. PREMIÀ is an entity created on June 20, 1934, which aims to encourage and practice continued physical and sports activity.

Energy bank

Condorchem Envitech collaborates with the Energy Bank in the form of an A++A participating company, and has established measures to maximise the energy resources used and minimise the environmental impact.

Following the report prepared by the Energy Bank, we are aware of the difference between our actual energy consumption and what we could obtain by taking measures aimed at a more responsible use of energy.

This helped us rationalise our consumption of energy resources and to reduce our annual costs by more than 30%.

Terra foundation – Mas Amigó

The goal of the Terra Foundation is to combine efforts to move towards a more sustainable future and offer environmental advice.

The Environmental Resource Centre, Mas de l’Amigó, is a 100% sustainable team from the Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia Foundation, which was transferred in 2008 to Acció Escolta, an organisation mainly involved in training children and young people.

The project offers a campsite for young people from all over the world to have the opportunity to stay in a 100% sustainable space and become aware of the importance of the responsible use of natural resources.

In early 2008, Condorchem Envitech offered to finance and install all the equipment necessary for sustainable water management at the farmhouse, which consisted of a sewage treatment plant for the building and a rainwater collection deposit.

The action of Condorchem Envitech promoting this environmental project demonstrates that companies can collaborate with social organisations to provide more quality in projects and to advance more strongly towards environmental sustainability.