Liquid waste treatment in galvanizing and zinc electroplating processesWe go in-depth about the processes of the electroplating industry, as well as the waste generated and how to best handle its disposal.
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Treatment of effluents in the decommissioning of a nuclear power plantTreatment of effluents in the dismantling of a nuclear power plant, technologies to be used and example of a plant in dismantling process.
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Wastewater evaporators powered by solar energy – SOLARVAP®Solarvap is an innovating and efficient solution for wastewater treatment and Zero Liquid Discharge. It consists of vacuum evaporators powered by solar energy.
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Siloxanes in biogas: Origin, effect and treatmentSiloxanes are a harmful component of biogas. During combustion, the siloxane molecules are broken down and release oxygen and silicon. We detail in this article their origin, effects and treatment.
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Low and intermediate level radioactive waste treatmentSolutions for the treatment of low and intermediate level radioactive waste treatment generated in the nuclear sector. Check out these innovative solutions for liquid waste and solid waste treatment.
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Treatment of effluents generated by the metalworking industryMetalworking processes have a very distinct set of pollutants. The effluents from this industry are usually complex to deal with and, due to their high content in water and thus volume, expensive to dispose of.
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Hydrochloric acid recovery and liquid waste treatment from exhausted pickling bathsThe Chemirec® process has been conceived as a highly innovative solution for the recovery of hydrochloric acid (HCl) from the effluents of exhausted metal pickling baths.
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How climate change affects our healthInfographic with a brief and clear overview to the risks for human health that are associated with climate change and the increasing pollution from global warming.
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Processes and technologies for sludge treatmentThere are 3 main processes for sludge treatment: thickening, stabilisation and dehydratatioin. Here we analyze these 3 processes and the technologies involved.
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Saline water treatment plants and industrial brine managementSaline water management (also know as brine treatment) is essential in many industrial sectors due to its potential danger for the environment.
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