Project details

  • Client: Omar Coatings
  • Year: 2019
  • Location: Alicante (Spain)
  • Sector: Glass / Ceramics / Cement
  • Division: Industrial wastewater treatment

Project description

Omar Coatings manufactures technologically advanced, sustainable materials to different kinds of surfaces. They requested a treatment for a subproduct originated from a transesterification process.

  • Request: They requested the treatment of the synthesis waters in order to obtain a concentrated product that would be reformulated.
  • Solution: ENVIDEST LT VS 7000 AISI 316L


After a 5x concentration ratio, it is obtained a 5.760 L/day of distillate (recollected in a tank) and a 1.440 L/day of concentrated liquid stored in a tank for reuse. The limits are complied and the waste is successfully recovered.

Process diagram

Omar Coatings - Case study

Installation images