Evapoxidation, is a unique process to Condorchem Envitech, it is a two stage process using Evaporation in the initial stage, followed by Oxidation, hence its terminology, combining the two processes Evapoxidation.

Evapoxidation, is a process that allows the treatment of otherwise difficult liquid waste streams, such as effluents containing Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s). It has also been found to be particularly useful on solutions having a high saline level.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) are organic chemicals, with a Boiling Point <2500C (4820F). They are particularly hazardous to human health, in some cases carcinogenic and hence the need for a treatment technology that will minimize their impact in the atmosphere.

In the Automotive, Printing and Paint Industries, materials containing solvents (VOC’s) are regularly used in their various processes. To minimize the potential risk of the solvents to the work-force, besides Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), there will be systems in place to either wash down the solvents, or captured them by air scrubbers, the resulting liquid streams will be sent to the sites effluent treatment plant. At this point the waste stream can be fed to the Condorchem Envitech OXICVAP Evapoxidation System.

The OXICVAP Evapoxidation System combines two technologies, an Evaporator operating at Atmospheric Pressure with a Thermal Oxidation Chamber, resulting in Zero Liquid Discharge, this combination ensures that any VOC’s do not escape to the atmosphere.

Besides the treatment of VOC’s, Condorchem Envitech have used this technology for the treatment of high Saline material, which might have additional contaminants in. The process for any of the treatments is exactly the same. All that alters is the desired end product, instead of the oxidized gas released, it is the salts remaining in the first evaporator.

For all the treatments, at the first stage the waste liquid is fed into the first Evaporation System, this works at atmospheric pressure, and gradually is heated up, vapours from this evaporation will contain the VOC’s load, and these will be sent to a second section, which is a Thermal Oxidation Chamber, within this chamber any VOC’s are fully oxidized. After testing the resulting combustion product from this second phase can be safely released to the atmosphere.

Within the liquid waste-stream if the Total Organic Compound (TOC) is high, this highly effective calorific material can be utilized so that after initial heating of the system, there is a reduced need for auxiliary fuel in the Thermal Oxidation Chamber, since heat is generated from the organic vapours combustion, it is possible to recover some of the heat from the combustion vapour in the chamber and by means of a heat exchanger utilize this heat on the incoming vapour, hence reducing the need for additional auxiliary fuel, this greatly increases the efficiency of the system

As previously mentioned it might not be the oxidized material which is required. Within the first evaporation stage there will be a concentration of salts left in the evaporator, routinely these can be emptied from the evaporation unit, and either recycled back to the supply feed holding section or extracted as a slurry sludge for utilizing or safe disposal.

By Sergio Tuset

Chemical Engineer

Founder of Condorchem Envitech. Prestigious specialist in engineering applied to wastewater management and atmospheric emissions control, author of various environmental patents and numerous technical publications.

