Project details

Condorchem Envitech - Sener
  • Client: Sener, solar thermal plants Noor I and Noor II
  • Year: 2014
  • Location: Ouarzazate, Morocco
  • Sector: Energy
  • Division: Air
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Project description

SENER is a private engineering and technology group founded in 1956 providing solutions in 3 business areas:

Engineering and Construction: where SENER is an international reference company in the Aerospace, Infrastructure and Transport, Power, Oil & Gas and Marine sectors.

Aeronautics: as the majority shareholder in ITP, leading industry worldwide in aeronautical engines and gas turbines, established by SENER in 1986.

Energy and Environment: an area in where SENER promotes renewable energy projects and energy from waste recovery.


• NOOR I: Abatement of COVs in 2 flows of 1,600 kg/h and 925 kg/h of contaminated emissions from the HTF ullage system.

• NOOR II: Abatement of COVs in 3 flows of 2,500 kg/h, 1,500 kg/h and 22,700 kg/h of contaminated emissions from the HTF ullage system.


Design, manufacture, assembly, inspection, testing, packaging and delivery of a set of activated carbon filters (2 x 100) to minimize emissions of VOCs and HAPs to the atmosphere, treating both the overflow and vent expansion tank.


Abatement of atmospheric emissions of over 99% in accordance with regulations.

Process diagram

Case Study - Sener - Condorchem Envitech

Installation images